My car was damaged while stored at a car storage facility. Is there any way i can get the insurance information for car storage facilities?
Yes. Car storage facilities that store vehicles without the owner’s permission are required to file proof of garage keepers insurance.
This type of policy may help cover the expenses of loss or damage that occurs while the car was stored.
When does law enforcement tow vehicles?
- When the driver of the vehicle was lawfully stopped by law enforcement and the vehicle has been seized, with or without the driver being arrested.
- When the vehicle has been disabled in a traffic accident and the owner/operator is not at the scene.
- When the vehicle is illegally parked in violation of Statutes. Examples would include handicapped parking violations, blocking the roadway, parking within an intersection or crosswalk, parking too close to a fire hydrant or traffic control sign, and several other reasons.
Towing from Private Property: Private Property owners may, themselves, arrange for the towing of any motor vehicle that has been left or abandoned without permission or consent on their property. The Property Owner will be responsible for contacting a towing service to have the vehicle removed. The Sheriff’s Office cannot become involved in that procedure. The Sheriff’s Office cannot tow or remove a vehicle from privately owned property unless the vehicle has been seized by the Sheriff’s Office as the result of a criminal violation.
Is it hard to drive with a fifth wheeler?
No; you will find that it is better than driving with a caravan or wide box trailer. This again is because the fifth wheeler has no draw bar and the weight on to the tow vehicle is over the rear axle not 1 meter behind the rear axle. It handles uneven weight distribution in the fifth wheeler and side winds better, plus it has a tighter turning circle – depending on your tow vehicle, of course.
What are the tow lines make of?
Most tow lines are steel cable You can use Kevlar but a different guillotine design compared to steel cable type is needed to cut it.
How do you attach to the tow line?
The towline attaches to a tow yoke. There are several types but the most common is a webbing type material with carabinas on each end which secure it to the paraglider at the bottom of the risers. In the middle of the tow yoke is the release mechanism so the pilot can release himself from the tow line at any time. The release is accomplished by pulling on a cord or plastic cable which opens up the device holding the tow line. Spinnaker releases and 3 ring circus are common release mechanisms.